Chester Santos The International Man of Memory


Photographic memory: Is it a hoax?

Photographic memory: Is it a hoax?
Photographic memory is the creme de la creme for brainiacs. A person opens up a book and looks at each page for a few seconds and has an exact photo image of it in their brain. Later, they can see an exact duplicate of those pages by pulling them up in their mind.  For U.S. Memory Champion Chester Santos, he can't count the number of times someone tells him they have a photographic memory. And each time, he gives them a polite nod and smile. He doesn't want to argue with the fantasy in their mind. Because for Santos, a photographic memory is just that. Pure...
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170088 Hits

When Harry Met Chester

When Harry Met Chester

Harry Villegas came to Chester Santos, a.k.a. The International Man of Memory, unable to remember even three numbers in a row. He asked Chester to help change that. One year later Villegas competed alongside the 2008 U.S. Memory Champion in NYC and memorized 76 random numbers and 40 cards.
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29204 Hits

Technology not good for memory

brain For most, smart phones have become a second brain. Especially when it comes to storing contact information. Thousands of names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers. The problem is that as technology allows us to do more and more, it hurts our cognitive skills. Chester Santos, The International Man of Memory, who devotes his life to helping people restore their ability to process thoughts and sharpen memory skills says that he is amazed at the negative impact technology has made on the mind. "It has gotten so bad that not only do people not remember their contact's numbers, but I've met many people who can't even...
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